App Modernization: Update Your Old Technology

At ArchitectNow, we understand the challenges companies face when dealing with outdated and legacy software applications. These applications, built on older technology platforms, can hinder productivity, limit capabilities, and pose security risks. Our team specializes in helping companies make educated decisions on how to handle their legacy software, offering a range of solutions to modernize and transform their technology landscape.
Modernizing Legacy Applications
One common approach we take is upgrading or modernizing existing applications. This involves leveraging modern technologies and development practices to enhance performance, scalability, and security. By revamping the underlying architecture and utilizing the latest tools and frameworks, we can breathe new life into legacy applications, making them more efficient, user-friendly, and aligned with current business needs.
In some cases, a phased replacement strategy may be the best course of action. We work closely with our clients to understand their requirements and recommend a customized roadmap for replacing legacy applications. This may involve building new custom solutions or integrating off-the-shelf products that offer advanced features and functionalities not available when the original software was developed.
Strategic Approaches
Our team of experts conducts thorough analysis and assessment of your existing technologies, identifying areas where modernization can unlock new possibilities. We consider factors such as scalability, integration capabilities, security requirements, and future business goals to provide tailored recommendations. Our goal is to help companies become more efficient, competitive, and equipped to leverage emerging technologies such as cloud services, mobile applications, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Re-evaluating the architecture involves redesigning an application's structure to meet modern requirements such as microservices or containerization. This approach helps to improve application performance, scalability, and resilience.
Refactoring involves improving the application's codebase by making incremental changes that do not significantly alter its functionality. This approach helps to enhance the application's maintainability, scalability, and extensibility.
Renewing and Rebuilding
Re-building involves creating a new application using modern technologies and development methodologies. This approach is helpful for organizations that want to replace legacy applications entirely.
By modernizing legacy applications, companies can reduce maintenance costs, avoid obsolete systems that are no longer supported, attract top talent, and improve overall business performance. For example, we often see a reduction of 30-70% in the number of steps a user must take to perform an action during our modernization efforts.
Don’t let outdated software hold you back. Partner with ArchitectNow to unlock the full potential of your technology infrastructure and position your business for long-term success.

Case Studies


Rapidly building a COVID Vaccination Event Management system with .NET, MS Dynamics, and PowerApps

As COVID vaccines began to become readily available in the early months of 2021 many healthcare organizations were rapidly mobilizing to host events to efficiently distribute these vaccinations. It was not only difficult to get events coordinated and people registered but there was also a challenge in ensuring that vaccines were equitably distributed to at risk and underserved communities in addition to those with the means and schedules which allowed them to travel long distances for vaccinations.


100 Neediest Cases Platform for United Way of Greater St. Louis

The entire program within United Way was managed on a software system from 2004, and not only was it hitting the end of shelf life due to its age, but there were many pain points for the volunteers and employees. Many parts of the system were not serving their current needs, and the team was worried that it would suddenly require retirement mid-campaign without a suitable replacement.


ASPEN Behavioral Health Platform (Jefferson County Health Network)

The Jefferson County Health Department (JCHD) approached ArchitectNow with a petite grant they acquired after a several-year battle advocating to build a software platform that would help fill gaps in their community’s ecosystem. The stakeholders identified that many vulnerable demographics (such as schools, first responders, and veterans) lacked proper resources or a way to find them.